Introduction of YuPack Security Service


We have added the YuPack Security Service to Ship&co. According to the Japan Post website, this service is recommended for shipments with contents exceeding 300,000 yen. It records the delivery process from acceptance to delivery and compensates for actual damage up to the declared value in case of loss or damage.

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan. All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117