Japan Post Domestic Thermal Label Printing Now Available


Ship&co has added support for thermal label printing for Yu-Pack and Yu-Packet under Japan Post Domestic services. Settings for this feature can be configured in the carrier's popup window on the Ship&co carriers page.

Japan Post Domestic Thermal Label Printing Now Available

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan. All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117