Enhanced FedEx ETD Support and Visibility of Carrier Invoices


We've upgraded our FedEx integration to better support Electronic Trade Documents (ETD) by including support for the EWO (Electronic With Order) label. Additionally, you can now view the FedEx carrier invoice directly within Ship&co.

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan. All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117