Extended Shipping Schedule Flexibility in Shopify Extensions


We've enhanced the settings in our Shopify Extensions for delivery date and time in Japan by extending the allowable shipping window. Previously, orders could be scheduled for shipment up to 4 days after placement. Recognizing the needs of sellers who ship weekly, we've now increased this limit to 10 days post-order placement.

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan. All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117

© 2014-2023 Ship&co made with ❤ in Kyoto, Japan.

All rights reserved.

〒604-8072 京都市中京区八百屋町117